Monday, January 27, 2014

Moses and the Burning Bush

Moses and the Burning Bush, source unknown

Monday, January 20, 2014

Inexpensive Signed Copy of Book, "The Art of He Qi," Now Available

Here's a wonderful and inexpensive opportunity to own a copy of the book The Art of He Qi, signed by the artist himself, who is also willing to personalize the book for a specific individual.  The book contains 57 of the artist's best pieces throughout his Christian art career and only costs $39 + $3.99 shipping.  Considering that used prices for his other book, Look Toward the Heavens: The Art of He Qi, start at $75 + shipping, I'd jump on this opportunity asap if you love his art like I do (I already own a copy of the latter book).  You can read more about The Art of He Qi on the artist's website and see some images from inside the book.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Visual Arts for Missions in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Here's an exciting promotional video that highlights Visual Arts for Missions (VAM), based in Chiang Mai, Thailand and their commitment to cross cultural art evangelism (VAM is a part of the YWAM global family of ministries).  See below for a description of the video and details about the program.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Indigenous Art for Epiphany

Happy Epiphany and 2014 to everyone!  I hope you've had/are having a blessed Christmas season.  Epiphany is "a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. Western Christians commemorate principally (but not solely) the visit of the Magi to the Baby Jesus, and thus Jesus' physical manifestation to the Gentiles. Eastern Christians commemorate the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, seen as his manifestation to the world as the Son of God" (Wikipedia).  The Magi have long fascinated me, so for today's post I thought I'd share a few examples of indigenous depictions of the Magi's visit to honor the Christ child, which haven't been featured yet on this blog. Two other recent examples I've posted are my Christmas Day post and this image.  Enjoy!

Wise Men from the East by Iranian painter Hossein Behzad (1894 –1968)